Sunday, November 16, 2008

Three Outstanding Gadgets for Christmas

The world of gadgets is heading towards a stage of excellence and the time to have one can’t get better than the exciting Christmas. From USB mugs to the powerballs, gadget world has been rolling all over the world! Here are some of the enthralling and most exceptional gadgets which one should look forward this Christmas.

USB Plasma Ball

This brilliant USB ball will definitely make you feel astonish at first glance. It has got an amazing desktop plasma ball capable of easily plugging into your USB port. The best moment is when you touch the same as it responds with outstanding lights and movements.

USB Chameleon

Well I know most of us get engrossed with our documents and spreadsheets that we hardly get any time to look around making us feel a bit stressed out! Here is a perfect solution to the problem – very true I am hinting towards a gadget that will compel you to divert your attention along with adding some Karmic balance to your workspace.

The best part of this excellent USB Chameleon is that with its flexible legs and tail, it clings on just about anywhere to provide a welcome diversion from your stressed out work.

Rocket Launcher Alarm Clock

Last but not the least rocket launcher alarm clock too is an exciting gadget! Well be active and get out of your bed with this amazing rocket Launcher Alarm Clock.

Truly an innovative concept as the alarm clock wakes you up to a countdown and then when the count is up, the rocket launches from its pad and heads towards the sky. The best part ofcourse being that you need to find where the rocket has landed to silence the alarm sound!

Perfect gift for Christmas really!